Saturday, June 18, 2011

Part 2 of My 3 Month Workout

Part 2:
Muscle Defining

Now if you did my first month to the key and was able to lift all 4 days each week you should be pretty obsessed with the gym by now.  So adding one extra day of lifting should be something you want to do and won’t feel like a chore.  This next month is all about taking that muscle we have built and taking it to the next level of burning the fat that is covering it up and letting it become more defined.  Now I didn’t mention this so much in part 1 but it is important to make cardio a big part of your work out routine as well.  I myself will play 2-3 hours of basketball, or I may run on the treadmill for 20 minutes at the end of my work out or if it’s a nice day I will take my shirt off and run outside to get a good tan.  Biking and swimming are two great cardio work outs as well if you have the resources.

Day 1
            1. Dumbbell Curl                    3 Sets starting at 15, 12, 10
            2. Lying Scull Crushers           4 Sets Starting at 15, 12, 12, 10
            3. Barbell Curl                         4 Sets starting at 15, 15, 12, 10
            4. Rope Tricep Extension        6 Sets  of 10 starting at your max and going down 10lbs
            5. Concentration Curls            3 sets starting at 15, 12, 10
            6. Standing Skull Crushers     3 sets starting at 15, 12 ,10

Day 2
            1. Squats                                 4 sets 20, 15, 12, 10
            2. Leg Press                             3 sets 15, 12, 10
            3. Seated Calf Raise               4 sets 15, 15 ,12, 10
            4. Leg Extension and              4 sets 20, 15, 12, 10
Leg Curl super setted  4 sets 20, 15, 12, 10
            5. Standing Calf Raise                        3 sets 20, 15, 12

Day 3
            1. Flat Barbell Press                3 sets 15, 12, 10
            2. Incline Barbell or Dumbbell            4 sets 15, 12, 10, 10
            3 .Cable Crossovers                3 sets of 12
            4. Decline Dumbbell               3 sets of 15, 12, 10
            5. Incline Flys                         3 sets of 10

Day 4
            1. Barbell Rows                      4 sets 15, 12, 10, 10
            2. Seated Row and                 3 sets 15, 12, 10
                        Wide Grip Pulldowns 3 sets 15, 12, 10  super set
            3. Bent over Rows                  3 sets of 15, 12, 10
            4. Hyperextensions                 4 sets 15, 12, 12, 10

Day 5
            1. Arnold Press                       4 sets of 15, 12, 10, 10
            2. Cable Lat raises                   3 sets 15, 12, 10
            3. Shrugs                                 3 sets 15, 12, 10
            4. Rear Delt Flys                     3 sets 15, 12, 10
            5. Side Lat Raises                   3 sets 15, 12, 10

For part 2 I like to do abs every day, just switching up what ab work outs I do every other day.
On one day I will do knee raises and hip thrust and decline crunches
On the other day I will do oblique’s and rope crunches

Don’t focus so much on keeping your carbs low this month but work on making sure not to eat any carbs AFTER LUNCH so after about 1 o’clock no more carbs.

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