Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Part 1 of My 3 Month Workout

Part 1:
Muscle Building

This first month of lifting should be all about gaining or re-gaining the muscle mass and stanima needed to work your body out at its full potential.  This month you should be worrying more about keeping those carbs low and those proteins high so we build as much muscle up as we can.  Also we want to make sure we stay in that claoric deficit range as well.  Before each of my work outs i take a preworkout supplement for energy and a little creatine plus i take a protein shake with 2 scoops.  I will go more into depth on supplements later but there are a lot of different combinations you could be using, this one is just the simplest.

Each of these workouts should have you needing help on your 2nd and 3rd sets to get to the 10th rep
if you are doing all 3 sets with no help you are not doing enough weight

Day 1
            1. Bench Press               3-4 sets of Heavy weight, starting with 10 reps and going down to 5 reps
            2. Scull Crushers            3 sets of 10.  Last set you should need help after 8
            3. Incline Bench             3 sets of 10 moving the weight up each set accordingly.
            4. Tricep Kick Backs    3 sets of 10
            5. Decline Flys              3 sets of 10
            6. Rope Pulldowns        Start at the heaveiest weight you can do then begin with 5 reps, immediately after lower the weight to the next stack and do 5 more, repeat until you are down to only 20 pounds and rep out
           7. Lower Chest machine, either smith machine or decline bench 3 sets of 10 with your last set needing help after 8
           8. Dips or Dipmachine.  3 sets of 10 with heavy weight
           9. Incline flys with heavy weight 3 sets of 10

Day 2
         1. Start with widegrip Pull ups 3 sets of 10 using a chair to reach your goal
         2. Dumbell curl 3 sets of 10.  Can also do alternating dumbell curls and hold the opposite dumbell in the upright position
         3. Seated Rows. supersetted with wide grip pull downs 3 of 10
         4. either crazy 8's or 21's.  Leave comment if you would like to know that work out but doing 2-3 sets using either monkey bar or straight bar.  Switch it up each week
         5. Close grip pull ups with hands in the bicep postion 3 sets of 10
         6. Hyperextensions usually 3-4 sets with no weight of 10
         7. Seated hammer curls with a incline curl supersetted into it

Day 3
       1. Squats 3 sets in the beggining but work up to 4 sets by end of the month.  Heavy weight starting at 10 reps and going down to about 8 or 6
       2. Leg Press 3 sets of 10
       3. Superset Leg curls and Leg extensions with 3 sets of 10 heavy weight
       4. Seated calf raise 3 sets of 15
       5. Lunges 3 sets of 10
       6. Standing calf raise 3 sets of 15-20

Day 4
       1. Hangclean 3 sets of 10 
       2. Barbell shoulder shrugs heavy weight here 3 sets of 10
       3. Super set dumbell lat raises with upright rows 3 sets of 10
       4. Arnold press 3 sets of 10
       5. rear delt flys 3 sets of 10
Also make sure you are doing your favorite ab work out every other day.
I will make post about my favorite later i just wanted to get the first month of Muscle building routine out there for people to try.

Please subscribe if you like and leave comments on what you think about this work out, thanks

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