Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Part 1 of My 3 Month Workout

Part 1:
Muscle Building

This first month of lifting should be all about gaining or re-gaining the muscle mass and stanima needed to work your body out at its full potential.  This month you should be worrying more about keeping those carbs low and those proteins high so we build as much muscle up as we can.  Also we want to make sure we stay in that claoric deficit range as well.  Before each of my work outs i take a preworkout supplement for energy and a little creatine plus i take a protein shake with 2 scoops.  I will go more into depth on supplements later but there are a lot of different combinations you could be using, this one is just the simplest.

Each of these workouts should have you needing help on your 2nd and 3rd sets to get to the 10th rep
if you are doing all 3 sets with no help you are not doing enough weight

Day 1
            1. Bench Press               3-4 sets of Heavy weight, starting with 10 reps and going down to 5 reps
            2. Scull Crushers            3 sets of 10.  Last set you should need help after 8
            3. Incline Bench             3 sets of 10 moving the weight up each set accordingly.
            4. Tricep Kick Backs    3 sets of 10
            5. Decline Flys              3 sets of 10
            6. Rope Pulldowns        Start at the heaveiest weight you can do then begin with 5 reps, immediately after lower the weight to the next stack and do 5 more, repeat until you are down to only 20 pounds and rep out
           7. Lower Chest machine, either smith machine or decline bench 3 sets of 10 with your last set needing help after 8
           8. Dips or Dipmachine.  3 sets of 10 with heavy weight
           9. Incline flys with heavy weight 3 sets of 10

Day 2
         1. Start with widegrip Pull ups 3 sets of 10 using a chair to reach your goal
         2. Dumbell curl 3 sets of 10.  Can also do alternating dumbell curls and hold the opposite dumbell in the upright position
         3. Seated Rows. supersetted with wide grip pull downs 3 of 10
         4. either crazy 8's or 21's.  Leave comment if you would like to know that work out but doing 2-3 sets using either monkey bar or straight bar.  Switch it up each week
         5. Close grip pull ups with hands in the bicep postion 3 sets of 10
         6. Hyperextensions usually 3-4 sets with no weight of 10
         7. Seated hammer curls with a incline curl supersetted into it

Day 3
       1. Squats 3 sets in the beggining but work up to 4 sets by end of the month.  Heavy weight starting at 10 reps and going down to about 8 or 6
       2. Leg Press 3 sets of 10
       3. Superset Leg curls and Leg extensions with 3 sets of 10 heavy weight
       4. Seated calf raise 3 sets of 15
       5. Lunges 3 sets of 10
       6. Standing calf raise 3 sets of 15-20

Day 4
       1. Hangclean 3 sets of 10 
       2. Barbell shoulder shrugs heavy weight here 3 sets of 10
       3. Super set dumbell lat raises with upright rows 3 sets of 10
       4. Arnold press 3 sets of 10
       5. rear delt flys 3 sets of 10
Also make sure you are doing your favorite ab work out every other day.
I will make post about my favorite later i just wanted to get the first month of Muscle building routine out there for people to try.

Please subscribe if you like and leave comments on what you think about this work out, thanks

Monday, May 16, 2011

Why Its The Most Important Meal of the Day

Breakfast is by far THE most important meal of the entire day.  I know you have heard this since you were a child but there is a reason people keep pounding it into your head.  It is because it is true.  For a healthy lifestyle it is very important to get your metabolism up and running and what better time to start it than first thing in the morning.  Bascially the earlier you wake up and eat breakfast the early your body can start losing weight.  The earlier your body starts losing weight the more weight loss potential you will have for the day.  This is why it is important to get the first meal and not skip it.  Even if you feel like you are not hungry get up and eat something.  After a week of doing this you wont be able to go a morning without eating breakfast because your body will become used to it. 

Here's an example of what I have.  I buy a carton of egg whites, fresh fruit, lactose and fat free milk and turkey sausage links.  Every morning I will make 2 sausage links, a small glass of fat free milk egg whites and usually an orange or banana or something along those lines.  If you are eating carbs this should be the time to do it, so have a bagel or wheat toast or something so your body has the full day to burn that energy. 

Thanks for reading guys and please feel free to follow or check my website out at www.themotivationalsite.com

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New Way To stay In Control of the Crave

Herese something new I'm going to do this week.  Something you may not know about me is that I am an ice creamaholic, there I said it and admitting it is the first step!  Well a new thing I am going to try is to go out and buy my favorite pint of ice cream.  I am then going to take a piece of paper with the date 5/25 on it, which is exactly 2 weeks from today.  My goal I am setting for my self is to stay on key with working out.  I am going to do 2 weeks of high cardio work outs every other day for these two weeks.  At the end of these two weeks I will get to indulge my sweet tooth into the pint.  Well here's the kicker.  The first time I cheat during these two weeks I am going to open the ice cream and take out about 1/3.  And then if I cheat a 2nd time I am going to remove another 1/3.  And after my 3rd slip up I will throw the entire pint away.  This is me setting a TANGIBLE goal, something that I can see and touch which makes it much easier to achieve.  Give your self a reward or prize at the end of the road is a good thing.  You deserve it.  Its ok to eat that ice cream after 2 weeks of hard work, but afterwards its time to start again.  But this time pick a new food and instead of two weeks make it 3 or maybe a month.  Really challenge yourself but make sure you are allowed to reward yourself for HARD work and dedication.  It really makes it worth it in the end.

Thanks for reading guys and if you like the blog plz feel free to follow and leave your comments below !!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Healthy Tips for Lunch and mid Snacks

So I've been getting tired of my typical tuna and mustard out of a can lunch with cottage cheese so I was thinking of some new healthy protein full lunch meals.  My favorite so far as been a lettuce wrap, its fast, easy, and cheap.  Basically what I do is purchase a head of romaine or ice burg lettuce and purchase some fresh sliced deli turkey or chicken.  I always have a refregirator stocked with great veggies such as tomatoes, cucumbers, avocados etc so try this.  Take 2 leaves of lettuce and fill it with the turkey and some mustard, also i had cucumbers, guacamole, and tomatoes but other veggies and favorite toppings of your will work just as well, as long as they are low on carbs and fat of course.

As for the mid day snacks if you find your self starving or into a craving I do a lot of cottage cheese and pineapples, a banana with some peanut butter but you can use apple slices as well, and also trail mix.  Try some of these snacks out but remember to eat them in moderation and do not think just because they are healthy you should binge on these as well.  Your goal is to still keep the calories low but make sure you are eating every 3-4 hours to keep that metabolism running at full force.  Thanks for reading guys and if you want to see some more information on motivation and healthy habbits check me out at www.themotivationalsite.com

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Eating For a Purpose

Whats up guys, I'm back again the stress the importance of a good diet and here to give you the ACTUAL secret to weight loss. CALORIC DEFICIT!  Whats this you ask? well simply put it is burning more calories daily than what you intake.  This sounds so hard to people at first because they feel that the ONLY way they burn calories is in the gym.  This is not true.  about 10-15 percent of your daily calories burnt will happen in the gym.  The rest is going to be based on your metabolism alone. Check this site out to get a quick and easy ESTIMATE of what you burn http://caloriecount.about.com/cc/calories-burned.php

Basically what this is saying is that it is your metabolism that is working to burn calories.  So as long as your heart is beating, your blood is pumping and your lungs are breathing you are burning calories.  The goal you need to accomplish how ever is to be in a CALORIC DEFICIT DAILY!!!  The way most people accomplish this is by providing themselves with one cheat day a week.  This will let you work hard during the week to maintain the caloric deficit and have a goal to aim for at the end of the week of that so called "cheat day." 
But heres the kicker.  You can't just not eat anything during the day to achieve this deficit.  Eating is too important for your metabolism.  It is like the kick starter for it.  Most people feel as if not eating at all will help them but what this is doing is slowing down your metabloism.  It slows down so it can save calories to burn later.  What you need to do is take your portion size and cut it down.  In all seriousness you should probably be eating 5 times a day, but the portions much smaller.  Try something like this out for a month.  Try and eat only 2000 to 2500 calories a day providing yourself with the cheat day at the end of the weak.  Do it for a month and i promise you will notice a difference.  Even if your to busy to get to the gym right now there is no excuse for not eating right and having your metabolism working a full efficiency.  Its not like im trying to sell you a product, just change some habits up and you will notice differences from eating alone.  Everything i have read states that getting those perfect abs is 90% diet.  It's just when we watch tv and we see this infomercials they are trying to sell you a product, a product for working out, but they don't stress the diet because that is something you do not need them for.  Any questions guys please feel free to comment and if you havent already check out my site at www.themotivationalsite.com

Monday, May 2, 2011

30 Day Diet - My Journey

Hey guys, my first time posting but I just wanted to share with you how easy it is to lose 10-15 pounds in only 3 weeks.  After a big life changing event I took a look at my life and realized it was time for a change.  I was unmotivated and got a little too comfortable in my relationships.  I was being lazy and letting myself go.  Now I am far from an over weight person but I was not in the best of shape.  Im about 6-2 and WAS about 225 at the start of my diet.  I challenged my friend to a contest to see who could get a six pack first.  So we set a goal for one month of the most perfect diet we could think of.  And then chose one food that we wanted to eat on the last day of the month.  Our diet consisted of VERY little carbs, considering doing a 0 carb diet is quite hard since a lot of healthy foods we like to eat are complex carbs, and TONS of protein.  So we started dieting and lowering our portions down immensely.  By doing this you will see major results in as little as 2-3 weeks. Just realize you are in control of your body and remember you can control what you put into it.  From everything I have read, achieving the perfect abs and losing the weight is about 90% dependent on your diet.  Crunches and ab work outs are something that helps define the abs once the stomach fat is gone.

Well we have just finished our first month and on day 30 I ate a Double Bacon cheeseburger and fried mushrooms.  IT was AMAZING.  We are starting month 2 and have already picked our next food.  After only a month I am now down to 205 pounds and I am the most defined I have been in a very long time.  If you would like to read more about my journey check it out online at http://themotivationalsite.com/ under the health section.  My hope is that at least one person reads this and gets inspired to try and do the same thing since it is very achievable and actually really easy.  Thanks!