Saturday, May 7, 2011

Eating For a Purpose

Whats up guys, I'm back again the stress the importance of a good diet and here to give you the ACTUAL secret to weight loss. CALORIC DEFICIT!  Whats this you ask? well simply put it is burning more calories daily than what you intake.  This sounds so hard to people at first because they feel that the ONLY way they burn calories is in the gym.  This is not true.  about 10-15 percent of your daily calories burnt will happen in the gym.  The rest is going to be based on your metabolism alone. Check this site out to get a quick and easy ESTIMATE of what you burn

Basically what this is saying is that it is your metabolism that is working to burn calories.  So as long as your heart is beating, your blood is pumping and your lungs are breathing you are burning calories.  The goal you need to accomplish how ever is to be in a CALORIC DEFICIT DAILY!!!  The way most people accomplish this is by providing themselves with one cheat day a week.  This will let you work hard during the week to maintain the caloric deficit and have a goal to aim for at the end of the week of that so called "cheat day." 
But heres the kicker.  You can't just not eat anything during the day to achieve this deficit.  Eating is too important for your metabolism.  It is like the kick starter for it.  Most people feel as if not eating at all will help them but what this is doing is slowing down your metabloism.  It slows down so it can save calories to burn later.  What you need to do is take your portion size and cut it down.  In all seriousness you should probably be eating 5 times a day, but the portions much smaller.  Try something like this out for a month.  Try and eat only 2000 to 2500 calories a day providing yourself with the cheat day at the end of the weak.  Do it for a month and i promise you will notice a difference.  Even if your to busy to get to the gym right now there is no excuse for not eating right and having your metabolism working a full efficiency.  Its not like im trying to sell you a product, just change some habits up and you will notice differences from eating alone.  Everything i have read states that getting those perfect abs is 90% diet.  It's just when we watch tv and we see this infomercials they are trying to sell you a product, a product for working out, but they don't stress the diet because that is something you do not need them for.  Any questions guys please feel free to comment and if you havent already check out my site at

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